School of Ritual the Podcast
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biggest slumber party on the internet
Are you a woman craving a deeper connection to yourself? Are you ready to express yourself in a more liberated way? Are you ready to share your truest voice with the world & have an impact on others while vibing out?
Here on the pod we express ourselves freely and talk about life through the female lens. We dive into yummy themes like; Womb Wellness, Spiritual Energetics & Embodiment, Feminine New Paradigm Leadership, and Soul-Sourced Entrepreneurship.
This online community is a place where it's encouraged to embody your wholeness; mind, body, heart, voice, and soul. Tune in weekly on Mondays to learn from women like you, leading themselves and creating their legacy; guides, teachers, healers, speakers, and other new paradigm leaders excited to share their wisdom with you!
Episodes vary in style and length to snuggle nicely into your days. 170+ episodes available; interviews, solo’s, rituals & bonus episodes available. Listen on: Spotify, Apple & Amazon Podcasts.
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The Podcast
tune into 200+ episodes with a community of over 20,200 downloads all over the world
Here, we dive headfirst into the juicy realms of women’s wellness, embodied entrepreneurship, and the unapologetic essence of feminine-focused leadership.
This podcast isn't about sugar-coated fantasies; it's about gritty truths, real-talk wisdom, and embracing the messy, beautiful journey of transformation on all levels.
Are you ready to create your own brand of magic, listen to your inner wisdom with more certainty, and embrace the messy, beautiful journey of transformation on all levels ?!
The Episode Library
Celebrity Culture vs. A Capsule Wardrobe Lifestyle
I remember clearly my first ever boy-girl dance. I was in grade seven and I was so excited, mainly because I didn’t have to go to class. We got to the gym where the lights had been dimmed, music was blaring and all that was missing was actual dancing. I look over and my best friend is already giggling with a boy from our class. I noticed she was wearing shorts, I was in jeans. That must be it. I absolutely needed to be in shorts. I was so self-conscious about not ‘being sexy’ that I actually asked my friend to switch pants. She looked at me funny and I played it off as a joke. I was 12 years old already showing signs of being strongly conditioned by celebrity culture.
The Magic of Human Design and Self-Development
I remember the first time I heard the term Human Design. I was listening to a podcast while cruising to Montreal and I remember being really confused about all the energy types and terms and wondering what the heck they were talking about. For some reason, that day stuck with me. A few years later I really began to dive into my inner world. I slowly became more intuned with Reiki, astrology and you guessed it, HUMAN DESIGN.
The Ins and Outs of Feedback
Do you like feedback? My original answer, a big HELL NO! I used to squirm in my seat when I knew I was going to be given feedback. Because I don’t lie to you, Imma share that I also used to just not show up to things because I was afraid I wouldn’t be good enough and I didn’t want to hear where I could improve . . . now that doesn’t make any sense, does it?
Society’s Norms vs. Our Authentic Truth + Voice
Do you consider yourSelf a princess or a queen? My first instinct to this question was queen too. These are two energetic archetypes that have very distinct differences. It takes conscious choices to shift from a princess to a queen and it takes the first choice to do you first. It requires pulling up your big girl pants, walking out the door and sometimes making those tough adult decisions that queens have to make.
Are you a princess or a queen?
Do you consider yourSelf a princess or a queen? My first instinct to this question was queen too. These are two energetic archetypes that have very distinct differences. It takes conscious choices to shift from a princess to a queen and it takes the first choice to do you first. It requires pulling up your big girl pants, walking out the door and sometimes making those tough adult decisions that queens have to make.
Learn How to Change Your Mind
I remember the days when I thought that changing my mind was a sin; like seriously I carried so much weight around disappointing ‘them’. I carried SO much shame around making a new decision because I was taught I had to finish what I started. But what is the fun in that, am I right? Years later I have learned a couple of things . . . one, if we never changed our mind we would be stuck, like really stuck and not able to give ourSelf the opportunity to evolve into a more expansive, grander version of ourSelves.
Masculine Doing, Feminine Being and Where The Two Meet
Do you feel most accomplished when you check things off your checklist? Are your really good days when your to-do list gets so small that it’s almost done? Have you ever noticed that there is always more to do? ME TOO! For most of my years on earth so far, I’ve operated and validated mySelf strictly through my to-do lists. I have felt less than when having nothing ‘to do’.
Personal Responsibility and New Paradigm Femme Leadership
Did you know that each day we have the choice to give away our energy or stand in our feminine power? Before I started this work, I had no idea that each one of my choices was either draining the living crap out of me or fuelling me to build the life of my dreams. I used to operate like a mad woman. I would hustle hard for a certain amount of time and then crash for a few days unable to do anything at all. I used to think it was because I had done a lot of really big things and now I was exhausted but I had it all backwards.
Shopaholic to Minimalist Mentality
I remember the days so clearly where every waking moment of my life revolved around what I wore. It was important to me to be in ‘the perfect’ outfit because I wanted ‘them’ to notice me. Who is the ‘them’ to this day I have no idea. I carried around the limiting belief that my worth was attached to what I wore and I know that I am not the only out there that is slugging that heaviness around. I seriously thought that if I didn’t show up wearing exactly what I thought I should be, I was less than and it would leave me feeling uncomfortable in my clothing.
The Energy Behind Female Leadership
Do you consider yourSelf a leader? I’ve had this conversation with many women and the majority say no. On the other hand, I have felt I’ve been a leader my whole entire life but just REALLY grasped what it means recently. Growing up I was the oldest of four kids and I loved to be the boss. From the outside looking in, this looks like my first leadership role.
Scarcity Mindset, Consumerism and Shifting to Abundance
Do you have a lack mentality? No judgsies, I’ve been there. When I first heard the term ‘lack mindset or mentality’ I thought, I don’t have that. I said this before I even knew what it meant. I was so sure I couldn’t have anything with the word ‘lack’ in it that my ego brushed it off and on I went with my day. Years later I signed up for an ‘Activate your Wealthy Mind’ course and learned I had a long way to go and holy did I ever live in the realm of lack.
Finding Life Balance Through Aligned Self-Care
Are you filling all of your life buckets? I mean really. Do you know how many life buckets you should be filling? I didn’t either until I had no choice. I got to a point in my life I felt stuck. I couldn’t make it further in my career, my relationship was on the rocks, I wasn’t moving my body for me and I was essentially burning out day by day. There was a point that I had enough and decided to ask for help.
What the community is saying about the pod
“I absolutely LOVE listening to Erin because her episodes offer SO much real value. She shares a really unique perspective that speaks directly to my soul. She is such a QUEEN in the feminine leadership space and I’m grateful that our paths have crossed. Finding her podcast led me to hiring her as a coach, do her classes, movement workshops and let me tell you .. she gives her whole heart and soul into what she teachers. If you’ve been wanting to work with her.. Do NOT hesitate!!” – Laura Abat
“Erin’s pod and page are one of my top new peeps to follow! She is truly creating an online community by opening up her space to others!” Emma Anne Louise
“If you’re looking for a show that really examines all facets of life through the female lens - this is the show for you! Erin speaks with care and wisdom and honours her guests with thought-provoking discussion.” – N.Faroughni
“I really enjoy listening to Erin’s perspectives on our inner selves. She’s easy to listen to, and it’s like having a girlfriend in the car chatting about deep stuff with. Love the podcast!!” – Rinudemo
“What a beautiful and safe space tp lean on each other, challenge ourselves and others and to grow! I officially love Mondays!” N.Ratyluda
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