Shopaholic to Minimalist Mentality


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I remember the days so clearly where every waking moment of my life revolved around what I wore. It was important to me to be in ‘the perfect’ outfit because I wanted ‘them’ to notice me. Who is the ‘them’ to this day I have no idea. I carried around the limiting belief that my worth was attached to what I wore and I know that I am not the only out there that is slugging that heaviness around. I seriously thought that if I didn’t show up wearing exactly what I thought I should be, I was less than and it would leave me feeling uncomfortable in my clothing. 

Now what did this limiting belief create in me? A full on shopaholic before the age of 18. I started making my own money around 12, right after I took the babysitting course. Every penny (yep there were pennies back then) from there on out went to my wardrobe. To me shopping made me feel my best. I kept this spending mentality into my teens and then the big 18 hit. This was the best day because now I could apply for my very first credit card. FREE MONEY, I thought. This was 18 year old Erin’s dream. I had watched women use credit cards to buy bigger better things on TV and in the movies and I could not wait to join them. 

You can guess what happened from here, DEBT DEBT DEBT. I was in over my head. I spent most of my early 20’s trying to either avoid the credit bureau or trying to talk mySelf into putting my money towards my debt and not that new dress I needed. I was so addicted to the instantaneous gratification I received when buying something new that the cycle continued.  

Nothing really stuck until one day I just had enough. I had no money, too many outfit options for my own good and let’s get real,  I wore the same things over and over again anyways. The cycle NEEDED to change. I had noticed the minimalist + capsule wardrobe on social media and began to look into it. This was the beginning of my saving grace. So how the heck do you know if this is what you need . . .

Is your spending a problem?

Okay ladies, this is time to get really honest with yourSelf. Have you bought a piece of clothing instead of food? I sure have. This is a sure sign that you are spending outside of where you ‘should’ be and that your spending mentality is a problem. Our survival always comes first so if you are choosing the new lulu leggings over groceries that is a BIG red flag. No no judgsies, I’ve been there but it’s time to make a change.

Do you spend more than you bring in? Do you find that your credit card debt or line of credit just keeps digging a bigger hole in your bank account balance rather than slowly lifting? Yep, there’s another sign that it may be time to redirect your spending, at least for a little while. There is nothing worse that moving through the shame spiral of buying something to feel awesome then feeling like crap knowing you chose that piece instead of dinner. So how do we start the shift?

Shifting towards minimalism 

Have no fear, there is a way out and here it is. GO MINIMALIST. It doesn’t need to be forever, just give it a try.. I seriously did not think I could do it but when I scaled down my closet to the bare minimum I actually found MORE joy + freedom in my wardrobe, less shame in my spending and my need to buy slowly lifted. I see you shaking your head, but seriously THIS SHIIIAT WORKS. I lived with a super skim closet for months. Go down to your favourites; a couple pairs of pants, a couple tanks, a couple tees, etc and see how you feel. No need to get rid of the rest of your closet, just hide it for now and see how you feel in less. See if the clothes you were buying are even pieces you miss at all. Start to notice the why behind your spending.

Growing from there

Now, don’t think you can’t add on to your closet but the trick is to move forward from this point with intention. Odds are before retiring the majority of your clothing you were spending to fill a void, to feel better (like I was or) or straight up to fit in to whatever social group you were in, but now you know that is just so unnecessary. It is now time to build up to a full wardrobe that is completely for you, by you. Best thing I ever did was create a pinterest board and I would let mySelf parooz and save outfits and styles I loved. I really got to know my style and to be honest I actually had most of the pieces hiding in my original too large wardrobe. I shopped my hidden bags first then started a list of pieces I knew I wanted to add to my closet. This creates intention moving forward and THIS is the secret sauce. This integral step stops you from the frivolous spending. It gives you space to choose pieces you will love for more than a day and your wallet is one happy camper. 

I know, I know it sounds like a big job but I promise you that once you start this process you just won’t want to stop. The first step to making the change is deciding it’s time. You may be in over your head in debt or no debt at all but spend way too much on clothing, either way this will save you and create way more freedom in your life. These steps will help your wallet grow and help your spending shame spiral disappear. Ladies, when we buy something for ourSelves it is important we feel excited to wear it long term so we carry that energy into all that we do in each piece in our closet. NOW, let’s get saving. Remember . . . if I can do it, you can do it too! 

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