Orgasms, Creative Flow and Finding Pleasure in the Present

Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify

INTERVIEW, Jenna Switzer

Jenna is the pleasure and orgasm queen and she joins us today on the pod to chat all about JUST THAT!!! PLEASURE, SENSUALITY, and ORGASM. She shares some of her journey and what took her from being a yoga teacher to a pleasure coach and how her life has been transformed since prioritizing finding pleasure in each moment. Jenna shares with us the ENERGY and the SCIENCE behind orgasms and our pleasure energy and why it’s so integral to have a healthy connection to this space in our lives and in turn in our bodies.

We dive into what the difference is between pleasure, sensuality, and sexuality and where society has got this all confused. We tap into the power of deconditioning our stories around how we’re allowed to experience pleasure. This episode is for the female leader who is ready to embody her next level of leadership in all areas of her life and truly transform. her relationship with herself. Jenna shares the energy behind pleasure and where it comes from in our bodies as well as the anatomy around how an orgasm activates SO much within us. In this epi we cover A LOT from manifestation to open relationships so grab a tea and dive on in and enjoy!


  • Chakra alignment

  • Where the energy world and the anatomy world meet

  • Techniques to step into your confidence

  • The evolution of your pleasure practice

  • Embodiment rituals to add into your pleasure practice

  • Manifestation and orgasm

Tune in weekly on Mondays for new episodes




The Quantum Realm and Tapping into Infinite Possibility


Slowing Down, Honouring Rest, and Taking “Busy” Off