Slowing Down, Honouring Rest, and Taking “Busy” Off

Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify


In a world that moves so fast, we forget to slow down. We become addicted to the idea of doing, it makes us feel good, it keeps us busy so we don’t have to feel it all. Being busy has become another addiction in our society. Our society has a masculine energy overdrive, that has the need to do, push, and force instead of letting go, release and allow. We need both energies but if you’re anything like me and live in Canada most of your life, I can tell you, they have taught us to GO, GO, GO and seek outside of ourselves for our value.

In this short and sweet Power Portal episode, I break down the difference between masculine and feminine energies in our lives and how they show up on the regular. We chat about how to shift the energy around being busy through language and how to become more comfortable in “doing” nothing. This episode is great for female leaders craving to build a business in alignment with their values and intentional living from energy rather than an outcome. I share ways on how to begin your journey to finding more balance in all areas of your life, how to set boundaries, and other energy management techniques to begin to honor and even prioritize your needs instead of others.

Tune in weekly on Mondays for new episodes




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