Motherhood, Setting Boundaries and Honouring the Golden Mess in the Middle
Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify
INTERVIEW, Katherine Miceli
Katherine Miceli is a mother, yoga teacher, and straight-up compassionate human being! Today on the pod she joins us to chat all things motherhood. We go in deep into the stage-by-stage process of becoming a mama. We have a candid conversation about the journey from growing tiny humans inside of us to creating a solid foundation around you after you give birth.
Katherine is open and honest about her first and second time giving birth and how she had completely different experiences. She is honest about post-partum depression and how she began to come back to herself. She shares how she begins to get to know and prioritize her body again as well as make time for herself daily by asking for help. Katherine shares about connection and communication within her partnership throughout. This conversation is a wonderful one for new moms and soon-to-be moms. Lots of golden nuggets and words of wisdom from one of the most compassionate and kind souls we've had on the pod to date!
How to have hard conversations with others
Her upcoming offerings for moms
Self-kindness and her definition of it
Body love + self-acceptance
Boundaries with families
Time management + prioritizing
Tune in weekly on Mondays for new episodes