Experience Pure Pleasure & Sensuality with Jenna Switzer
Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify
INTERVIEW, Jenna Switzer
Jenna Switzer, a vibrant anatomy nerd and pleasure coach joins us to chat all about pleasure and making it a priority day after day and not just of the sexual nature . . . but of couuurrrrsse we go there too.
Jenna has always had a passion for the body. She started her journey to feeling at home in her bod early on as a yoga teacher. She quickly began to rebuild her relationship with her own self as she learned and taught others how to do the same. Jenna shares her transition from teaching movement to more energy style work to pleasure and how they're all connected. We talk about pleasure being our own responsibility and why it's so important for us to be able to talk about our sexuality out loud. We talk about orgasms and why they are integral to well-rounded health and just so much more goodness.
The energetics of the pelvic floor
Sexual fantasies
Why society's got sex backwards
Practicing safe sexual communication
CONNECT — with Jenna
Instagram | Her Website | Facebook
Book - Pussy a Reclamation
Kate Gillespie - Yoga Teacher
Todd Lavictoire - Movement Teacher
Tune in weekly on Mondays for new episodes