Choose your Intuition & Trust your Inner Voice
Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify & Amazon Podcasts
INTERVIEW EPISODE w/ Kimiko Tau Fujimoto
Kimiko is a multidisciplinary artist, healer, educator, and land mystic who travels the world to sacred sites crafting flower essences and curating experiences for people to communion with nature and reclaim their soulful sovereignty. Her rituals and mentorships are based on years of immersive study and dedication to yoga, priestess paths, shamanic practices, and esoteric and earth-based traditions.
School of Mythical and Botanical Arts combines storytelling and herbalism into adventurous journeys through archetypal wisdom, somatic practices, and transformative landscapes of myth, magic, and biomimicry. Lush Lands apothecary is home to her innovative land essences that offer holistic spiritual support and plant kinship to awaken your inner lushness.
the origin story of the School of Ritual
Kimiko's story, teachings & offerings
how to strengthen your relationship with yourself
how to honor who you are & who you're becoming
different ways to connect with yourself more intimately
different herbal support for winter
Tune in twice a month on the 1st & the 15th for; Solo, Interview & Live Ritual Style + intuitively launched bonus episodes!