Spiritual Awakenings, "Non-Spiritual" Partners & Finding Peace in Love using Human Design

Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify & Amazon Podcasts

SOLO EPISODE, sharing a peek into Erin's spiritual awakening and what it's been like learning more about herself while in partnership. She shares how she started sharing more of herself with her partner and what that looked like in the relationship. 

Erin also goes into how Human Design was a huge game changer in how the duo dynamic moved together. She goes into a couple of the spots on your and your partner's (or friend's) charts to see how you jive together. An episode that goes into quite a bit of BTS details and how things shifted with Human Design. 


  • the very real reality of purging societi’s standards

  • what is a spiritual awakening? 

  • talking about partnerships in realtime 

  • going through a spiritual awakening in a relationship "vs" being single 

  • different ways to start being more confident with others in your spirituality 

  • human design emotional solar plex centre & sacral centre - defined & undefined 

Tune in twice a month on the 1st & the 15th for; Solo, Interview & Live Ritual Style + intuitively launched bonus episodes!



Choose your Intuition & Trust your Inner Voice


Brain Health, Recovering from Burn-Out & Nervous System Regulation