Re-mother Your Inner Child and Inner Teenager for Authentic Expression
Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify
You might be familiar with inner child work, but have you ever met your inner teenager? Healing the past versions of ourselves that didn’t feel safe, seen, heard or supported allows us to fully bloom into the wildflowers that we are, and in this episode we talk all about how to do just that.
We dive into how you can recognize your inner child and inner teenager, and how your inner mother can give them exactly what they needed but never got. I give you some examples of how inner child and inner teenager work has shown up in my life, and guide you into recognizing and supporting these parts of yourself. We all develop wounds and traumas while we are growing up, and they often turn into internal narratives that end up running our lives and keeping us small. By meeting our inner child and teenager, we have the chance to change those narratives, get out of reactivity, and into a place of compassionate understanding.
You have the ability to give yourself all the permission that you need, and this episode will tell you exactly how!
Parenting styles & breaking ancestral cycles
Processing feelings of shame & guilt
My fertility journey
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