My First Period and Shifting the Narrative Around our Cycles
Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify
Welcome to one of my experiences that has had the biggest influence on my comfortability in my body, MY FIRST PERIOD. As women, we have been conditioned to hide away from our power from a young age. And where does our power come from OUR PERIODS and having a healthy relationship to our cyclical nature. In my story, I share the narrative I picked up from the world around me that might be yours too. We begin to open the conversation around our cycles and where the masculine narrative took over.
I share the importance behind our relationship with our cycles and our bodies and how to create a healthier inner dialogue around both. We dive into how to feel more empowered while on our cycles and how to take care of ourselves from a place of alignment. We dip our toes into the lunar phases and how to honor our body while on our bleed week.
Birth control
The energy of menopause
Body acceptance
Tapping into your inner child
How to shift to your feminine flow
Tune in weekly on Mondays for new episodes