How to Accept & Give Boundaries + Setting Boundaries via your Open Centres in HD

Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify & Amazon Podcasts

SOLO EPISODE here to support you in starting to trust your boundaries on an even "deeper" level. We dive into the different styles of boundaries; private, public, emotionally reactive, and emotionally expansive with a couple of personal life examples. You'll learn the different embodiment stages of "a boundary" and how sometimes boundaries are actually holding us back from real connection. 

In the second half of the episode, we dive into the different open centers in Human Design and how they manifest in your life. You'll learn what to look out for when it comes to your open centers and feel aligned within these parts of you. 


  • School of Ritual's new offerings & pricing

  • Personal boundaries learned around money (will be great for coaches, healers, and entrepreneurs to hear when it comes to pricing + intention) 

  • How boundaries in some circumstances can actually hold us back 

  • The importance of practice & patience as you learn the art of the boundary 

  • Different places’ boundaries are important w/real-life examples 


Tune in twice a month on the 1st & the 15th for; Solo, Interview & Live Ritual Style + intuitively launched bonus episodes!



Spiritual Sovereignty & Giving yourself Permission to Evolve


How to Become an Aligned Yoga Teacher & Community Leader