How to Become an Aligned Yoga Teacher & Community Leader

Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify & Amazon Podcasts

INTERVIEW EPISODE, with Aleysha Derksen; yoga teacher, embodied movement guide, retreat weaver, and mentor to aspiring new yoga teachers.

Aleysha's soul’s purpose is to create conscious containers and sacred spaces for you to meet yourself more deeply, and that includes what she shares in this episode. Whether it is in the form of an hour-long yoga class, a week in retreat, or a month abroad immersed in YTT… ritual is woven into all of her offerings as well as the belief that the way that we do one thing is the way that we do all things. Slow and intentional has always been her {projector} pace.

While she has a passion for the magical and mystical side of life, her goal is not to connect you to the cosmos but rather to root you more firmly here on earth exactly where you are, now.

She is the co-founder of In Alignment Yoga School in Bali, Indonesia, and founder of Nurture Your Nature Retreats which hosts women-centered gatherings in the South Western desert and around the world. We dive into her multi-passionate wisdom in this epi! 


  • How to choose aligned communities to teach within

  • Giving yourself permission to evolve in your teaching career

  • Do we really need to be Yoga Alliance Certified to teach yoga?! 

  • How to step into more of who you are and how you desire to share your voice

  • Full details for In Alignment School coming up in winter 2024


Tune in twice a month on the 1st & the 15th for; Solo, Interview & Live Ritual Style + intuitively launched bonus episodes!



How to Accept & Give Boundaries + Setting Boundaries via your Open Centres in HD


How to Practice Intentional Communication & Human Design Throat Centre Gates