A Convo about Conditional Confidence + The Aligned Entrepreneur Launch

Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify & Amazon Podcasts

In this solo episode, we start with a special community program launch and then we dive into what conditional confidence is and how it shows up in the different layers of our lives. We all have different stipulations that we hold on to do certain things but where did those unseen "rules" come from? Maybe it looks like needing to have make-up on before leaving the house or nails done before an event but why? Why do we create containers around receiving exactly what we want? 

Do these conditions make us more worthy? Do they ensure that we are beautiful or ready to receive pleasure in our lives (in all avenues)? The short answer is no, they don't. Most of the time these conditions are put on us by the outside world. If you're ready to feel more confident in everything you do, this episode is for you. 


  • Heart centered leadership vs. power centered leadership 

  • How to shift from conditioned to aligned choice-making 

  • What it looks like to lead an aligned personal brand 

  • Breaking free of group thinking & how to choose a more individual path

  • Stripping back the layers of our lives & bringing it back to the basics


Tune in weekly on Mondays for new episodes




BONUS - Lion's Gate Portal, Step into Your Potential Meditation


How to Let Go of "The Shoulds" & Actually Do What you Want