Harness your Authentic Voice Using the Power of Reiki w/ Inge from Reiki Montreal

Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify & Amazon Podcasts

An interview episode with guest expert Inge from Inge Heals Montreal. Teaching you all about the power and potency of Reiki and the freedom it can bring to your life, truly. 

A little bit about Inge …

Inge is a Reiki Master Teacher & Mentor to Healers. She started her Reiki journey in 2010 when she was lost and searching for an elusive "something more". Much to her own surprise, Reiki was just the thing.

Learning Reiki & Energy Healing opened doors for her beyond her wildest imagination. Not only did it lead to a deeply satisfying and fulfilling career as a full-time energy healer and teacher, serving over 700 clients and conducting over 2500 healing sessions in the last decade, but it also gave her the keys to heal her way to manifesting many of her hearts' deepest desires. 

She has been married to her partner in life and most things for 5 years, is a mom to an almost-two-year-old, and spends her winters in Thailand. 


  • Inge's sovereign woman story

  • Motherhood and "breaking the rules"

  • Finding + sharing your true voice 

  • Chakra alignment when it comes to sharing your voice

  • The inner child 

  • The witch + modern mystic wound 

  • How to harness your highly sensitive superpower

  • Reiki and how it can change your life (long-term)



Tune in weekly on Mondays for new episodes




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