Root Into Empowerment for Embodied Confidence
Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify
When we live with confidence, we show up as our best, most aligned selves. But how do we get there? Most of us were raised in a patriarchal society that conditioned us into believing that we need to keep ourselves small and play by certain rules in order to stay safe and secure. In the process of all of that, we can lose touch with our actual wants and needs and end up outsourcing our choices to our conditioning. This episode is about changing that through EMPOWERMENT.
We take a deep dive into the first pillar of confidence here at In Power Coaching: Empowerment. Living an empowered life means that you are in control of how you show up, and you make choices that are aligned to YOU. We talk all about the two layers of empowerment that are aligned with the root and third eye chakras, and how you can use them to redefine what safety and security is for you so that you can develop trust in yourself and your intuition. You’ll get lots of questions and information to reflect on, so you might want to get your journal ready!
Releasing shame around the female body
How we inherit trauma from our ancestors
Releasing competitiveness and comparing
The inner child & inner teenager
Body symptoms being rooted in energetic blockages
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