1:1 Intake Formbe as specific & detailed or general & broad as you’d like Name * First Name Last Name Email * What's your full birthday, birth-time & place of birth (city & country)? * if you don't have your exact time of birth, guesstimate What financial commitment are you hoping to dive into with Erin? * The 90-min Drop In | $222 The Casual | $297/month for 3 months or 1 month $450 The Back Pocket | $497/month for 3 months or 1 month $650 The All In | $3000 - 6000 | 3 - 6 month commitment I'm not 100% sure yet When are you hoping to kick off this journey together? * it doesn't need to be exact but what's your wish MM DD YYYY What best describes how you most want to spend your time with Erin? * lifestyle, leadership, business or a combination of all? How do you currently feel when you're around women who express confidently? * Inspired like something is igniting inside me Intimidated but there's something that continues to draw me in My shadow side is activated & I see that It feels like I'm on the outside & they have a secret that I don't What kind of environment, culture, family, school system, etc did you grow up in? * aka: tell me about your childhood coding Tell me about your *current* relationship with your body? * ex. how comfortable are you touching yourself both sensually & sexually, are you comfortable dating yourself or seducing yourself, do you spend time with your body, do you move your body, are you confident in your body ... etc? What's your relationship like to your womb? * ex. how are your periods + your relationship to them, do you have anything like PCOS, Edometriosis or other, do you cycle sync, are you currently pregnant or trying to be, etc? What's your current relationship like with money and your worth? * What's your relationship like to your mom & other women in your lineage, if any? * Where are you currently feeling stuck or stick in your life? * this could look like in you body, work, life, business ... get specific Where are you currently feeling open, free and liberated? * this could look like in you body, work, life, business ... get specific Have you ever worked with a coach, healer, guide or mentor? * if yes, tell me what you liked the most & the least or if you haven't let me know what you're hoping for Is there anything else you'd like to share that we haven't already dove into above? * don't be shy to drop it here 💋 I’m celebrating to choosing yourself and your next season of evolution! I’m feeling grateful that you’re here ✨ You’ll hear back through e-mail within the 24 - 72 hours and if we’re a great fit you’ll receive next steps to reserve your 1:1 spot together.